laboratory dance band造句
- At that time, the Two O'Clock was the premier band, known as Laboratory Dance Band A.
- The first release from the revived 90th Floor wasn't a Dick and Kiz disc, but Circa 1960, a compilation of never-heard material made from 1959 to 1961, featuring the North Texas State College Laboratory Dance Band, the Paul Guerrero Quintet, the Harvey Anderson Quartet and, most significant, Ann Richards ( no relation to the governor ), the wife of big band leader Stan Kenton, who was around the area during that period working with the North Texas music program.
- It's difficult to see laboratory dance band in a sentence. 用laboratory dance band造句挺难的
如何用laboratory dance band造句,用laboratory dance band造句,laboratory dance band in a sentence, 用laboratory dance band造句和laboratory dance band的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。